月の姿を見られたことで気を良くしながら闇の中の散歩を続けたのだが、その時に頭に浮かんだのが、「On top of Old Smoky」という、かつて少しだけ流行ったフォークソングで、その次に頭に浮かんだのが「ワルチング・マチルダ」で、こちらは散歩が終わるまで頭の中に曲が流れ続けていた。このどちらも、たぶん私が中学生くらいに知った曲で、つまり、年を取ると、頭の中の想念が記憶した順番と逆回転していくのではないか、と変なことを考えたのだが、それは年を取るというのは、ある時点(30歳から40歳くらい)から肉体的に少年期や幼年期、幼児期に退行していくことだ、という変な思想を最近私は考えていたからだろう。(私の肉体的能力は現在、小学校高学年程度だと思う。あるいは平均的中学生くらいか。)
「On top of Old Smoky」はアメリカのフォークソングだと思うが、わずか3小節程度の短い歌で、オールドスモーキー山の頂上で、自分は「真実の恋人」を失った、というだけの内容だ(と思う)。
月の姿を見られたことで気を良くしながら闇の中の散歩を続けたのだが、その時に頭に浮かんだのが、「On top of Old Smoky」という、かつて少しだけ流行ったフォークソングで、その次に頭に浮かんだのが「ワルチング・マチルダ」で、こちらは散歩が終わるまで頭の中に曲が流れ続けていた。このどちらも、たぶん私が中学生くらいに知った曲で、つまり、年を取ると、頭の中の想念が記憶した順番と逆回転していくのではないか、と変なことを考えたのだが、それは年を取るというのは、ある時点(30歳から40歳くらい)から肉体的に少年期や幼年期、幼児期に退行していくことだ、という変な思想を最近私は考えていたからだろう。(私の肉体的能力は現在、小学校高学年程度だと思う。あるいは平均的中学生くらいか。)
「On top of Old Smoky」はアメリカのフォークソングだと思うが、わずか3小節程度の短い歌で、オールドスモーキー山の頂上で、自分は「真実の恋人」を失った、というだけの内容だ(と思う)。
子供の歌3 On Top of Old Smokey
On Top of Old Smokey
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
For courting's a pleasure,
But parting is grief,
And a false-hearted lover,
Is worse than a thief.
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
Smokey=Great Smoky Mountains North CarolinaとTennesseeの両州にまたがる米国の山脈
lover 「恋人」
for=because of、as a result of
court 自動詞「求愛する」
part 自動詞「分かれる」
grief 「(不幸・喪失・死別などに対する)深い悲しみ」
false not sincere or honest
false-hearted 「信義のない、裏切りの」
worse than ~ 比較級
thief 「盗人」
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
For courting's a pleasure,
But parting is grief,
And a false-hearted lover,
Is worse than a thief.
A thief will just rob you,
And take what you have,
But a false-hearted lover,
Will lead you to your grave.
The grave will decay you,
And turn you to dust,
Not one boy in a hundred
A poor girl can trust.
They'll hug you and kiss you,
And tell you more lies,
Than crossties on a railroad,
Or stars in the sky.
So come ye young maidens,
And listen to me,
Never place your affection
In a green willow tree.
For the leaves they will wither,
The roots they will die,
And you'll be forsaken,
And never know why.
On Top of Spaghetti
On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.
On Top of Old Smokey の歌詞の分析が次のサイトにあります。
(副題)how to teach poetry・poetry theater・poetry activities
On Top of Old Smokey
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
For courting's a pleasure,
But parting is grief,
And a false-hearted lover,
Is worse than a thief.
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
Smokey=Great Smoky Mountains North CarolinaとTennesseeの両州にまたがる米国の山脈
lover 「恋人」
for=because of、as a result of
court 自動詞「求愛する」
part 自動詞「分かれる」
grief 「(不幸・喪失・死別などに対する)深い悲しみ」
false not sincere or honest
false-hearted 「信義のない、裏切りの」
worse than ~ 比較級
thief 「盗人」
On top of Old Smokey,
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover,
For courting too slow.
For courting's a pleasure,
But parting is grief,
And a false-hearted lover,
Is worse than a thief.
A thief will just rob you,
And take what you have,
But a false-hearted lover,
Will lead you to your grave.
The grave will decay you,
And turn you to dust,
Not one boy in a hundred
A poor girl can trust.
They'll hug you and kiss you,
And tell you more lies,
Than crossties on a railroad,
Or stars in the sky.
So come ye young maidens,
And listen to me,
Never place your affection
In a green willow tree.
For the leaves they will wither,
The roots they will die,
And you'll be forsaken,
And never know why.
On Top of Spaghetti
On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.
On Top of Old Smokey の歌詞の分析が次のサイトにあります。
(副題)how to teach poetry・poetry theater・poetry activities